Smoked salmon science

Smoked salmon science: five health benefits of eating smoked salmon

Yes, there is such a thing. Well, kind of. And before you stop reading this on the basis that you’re not interested in the science behind smoked salmon, look at the delicious images we’ve recently prepared.


Gorgeous, aren’t they.


So, now that we (hopefully) have your attention, let’s get down to business.


This week is National Obesity Week (14 – 20 January) – an awareness campaign that’s tapping into the nation’s inevitable post-Christmas health kick to raise awareness of the growing issues around obesity.


Now, for many people, January is a month when the brakes are applied, the indulgences reigned in and all things nice are given a wide berth in favour of diets and detoxes. As we all know, moderation is key, yet things tend to become a little black and white, all or nothing at the start of a New Year.


However, the good news with smoked salmon is that you can have your cake AND eat it. Why? Because it’s one indulgence that you can retain in January – and guilt free, too.


On to the science bit, then.


  1. D for Delicious


Or, rather, Vitamin D. Yes, smoked salmon is packed full of it, with an 85g portion of smoked salmon providing a staggering 97 per cent of your daily intake.


  1. The power of three


Omega-3, to be precise. Oily fish is well known for providing a rich source of this essential fatty acid, which helps you sleep, lowers blood pressure and boosts memory.


  1. Salute the selenium


Selenium is a powerful antioxidant – and one that that helps defend the body from chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer. The good news is that smoked salmon is loaded with it.


  1. Bursting with B vitamins


Smoked salmon is jam-packed with B vitamins including B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9 and B12. Could smoked salmon B any better?


  1. Packing potassium


Potassium is a mineral that helps to regulate the heartbeat and blood pressure, as well as help keep your muscles and digestive system in order. It’s also found in abundance in smoked salmon, too.


If these top 5 reasons to eat smoked salmon aren’t enough to inspire a healthy-but-tasty January, then visit our serving suggestions section or delve deeper into our blogs to find a selection of delicious – and healthy – smoked salmon recipes. Alternatively, follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for offers and competitions.